What is a  Dental Cavity?

Cavity is refer to tooth decay,which occurs when specific type of bacteria (mainly lactobacillus and streptococcus mutants) produces acid that destroys the tooth's enamel and it’s underlying layer,the dentin.

The growing incidence of tooth decay in young children has become a national concern as the number of those children affected by dental caries continues to increase.Dental caries is so prevelant that it actually occurs five times more frequently than asthma,the second most childhood disease.Unfortunately many people are uneducated and unfamiliar with dental caries and its causes.They are unaware that cavities are actually caused by a preventable and treatable bacterial disease.As a result,many young children suffer from chronic pain and embarrassment associated with tooth decay.

What age should child brush teeth?

Well actually I recommend the cleaning of the oral cavity that is your mouth starts from the very beginning when the baby starts feeding.Mother or the caretakers should often clean the oral cavity with a cotton damp in water or with a gauze piece dipped in water.Regular cleaning should be followed especially at bed time before sleeping to avoid nursing bottle caries from the very beginning.And once your baby’s teeth touch,you can begin flossing in between them gently.Around age 2,your child should learn to spit while brushing.Kids of age 3 and up should start using only a pea-sized amount of flouride  toothpaste.

When can the child use regular toothpaste?

 Do not use fluoridated toothpaste until age 3.Make sure your child do not swallow the toothpaste.

How to treat cavities in baby teeth?

You can prevent tooth decay in your child with simple steps:Start brushing your child’s  teeth as soon as the first one appears.Brush the teeth,tongue,and gums twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste.

How to get rid of a cavity without going to the dentist?

Following home remedies like  sugar-free gums,usage of vitamin D,brushing with flouride toothpaste,cut out sugary food diet,oil pulling might help to prevent cavities or treat pre-cavities by remineralizing weekend areas of your enamel before cavity develops.

Cavity in a 2-4 year child ?Should the parents wait for the permanent
tooth or should get it filled as soon as possible?

If there is cavity seen in a 2-4 year child, parents should take their children and should visit the dentist.There is nothing to get embarrassed and you might think that you are not a good parent.The teeth can get treated as early as possibly required.

Breastfeeding mothers should be aware of and follow oral hygiene,flouride,preventive dental care,and a healthy diet recommendations.


Baby teeth are very important.If these are lost in too early,the remaining teeth may move and would not leave space for the permanent teeth to come.And if the tooth decay is not prevented it can cause several other problems.

Tooth decay in toodlers which is known as Early childhood caries is the most common chronic infectious disease of childhood.Also termed as 

Nursing bottle caries,baby bottle tooth decay,night bottle caries etc.


Tooth decay develops when a baby’s mouth is infected by acid producing bacteria.

1.Tooth decay also develops when the child’s teeth and gums are exposed to any liquid or food for prolong period of time. 
2.Natural or added sugars in the liquid or food are changed to acid by bacteria in the mouth.This acid then dissolves outer part of teeth that is Enamel causing them to decay further.
3.The most common way this happens is when the  parents put their children to bed with a bottle of milk,juice,soft drinks etc.
4..It can also occur when children are allowed to frequently drink anything other than water from a sippy cup or bottle during day or night.
5.Milk should be served only with meals and not offered throughout the day,at nap time or at the bedtime.
6.Although extended and frequently breastfeeding alone does not cause tooth decay,all breastfeeding mothers should be aware of and follow oral hygiene,flouride,preventive dental care,and a healthy diet recommendations.


1.Get your children to understand the importance of routine dental care: atleast twice a day.

2.Make routine visits to the family dentist a priority.Your child should begin seeing the family dentist as soon as his or her tooth emerges and continue twice a year for life.

3.Avoid sweets and starchy foods.Consumption of these foods increases the level of acid-eroding plaque in the mouth.If your child eats alot  of sugary or starchy foods,try to swap these foods for healthier items,like fruits and vegetables.

4.Teach your child to brush after every meal and snacks when possible.

5.Avoid sticky food,sugar, including and especially sugary beverages like soda and juice drinks.This is not good for teeth and even health also.

6. Ask your family dentist about dental sealants.Also known fissure sealants.Dental sealants can offer your children years of added protection from cavity,sealing cracks and spaces between teeth where bacteria can easily build up and can cause damage.

7.Ask your family dentist about flouride application and screening as topical flouride therapy.

8.Plenty of water drinking every day, throughout the day is one of the most effortless habits for  preventing dental cavities in children. In general water can flush bacteria from the mouth and can prevent acid from building up on the teeth.Fluoridated tap water can add another layer of  protection,as flouride is a proven cavity fighter.

9.Add cheese and nuts to the diet.Both cheese and nuts are rich in acid fighters and help to remineralizing the teeth.

Article written by :
Dr. Srishti Dangwal
Dental Surgeon


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