
Showing posts from September, 2019

Bridges, implants, or dentures for replacing missing teeth?

How can I replace my missing teeth? Before we delve into replacement options of bridges, implants and dentures, let’s start with why we have to replace missing teeth at all. Is it important to do so? What will happen if you don’t get a replacement?  The human dentition is designed to function with twenty-eight interacting teeth. Each tooth connects with two other teeth in the opposing arch. When we lose a tooth it’s like knocking a brick out of a wall! At first nothing happens, but soon gravity and external forces take over and the wall starts to collapse.  It’s the same with teeth: gravity and other forces win. The teeth either side of the gap begin to collapse inwards and the opposing teeth start to move. This results in malocclusion (abnormal tooth alignment). The longer you wait to replace missing teeth, the more complicated replacement gets and the more costly. You may even sacrifice replacement options – for example, the bone at the gap resorbs over time and so an